Increasing Vendor Effectiveness
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Get the best from a complex team

We can help clients better manage complex project teams, particularly where that team uses and manages external resources (outsourcing). We do this by working directly with a team manager, and by offering tailored in-house workshops specifically for team leaders whose teams manage outsourcing projects.

Team-related training (click for details)

Team consulting

  • Guide managers in launching new team projects
  • Assess team effectiveness against business goals
  • Facilitate team planning and problem-solving events
  • Help remote teams work across distances - country and global
  • Build effective practices for blended teams (employees and contractors)
  • Help team managers plan and assess skills needed in team

Why this is important

Fast-moving industries form project teams as needed from across the company, for quick results or adaptive, cost-effective services. Members may be on several teams. Programs and functions are outsourced. Variable needs are met by onsite contractors.

This complexity creates management challenges. Professionals and team managers manage and integrate vendor work, cross-functional teams, and blended teams with employees and contractors, as well as utilizing expert consultants on projects.

Team and project managers must know differences in managing employees and vendors, how teams work, getting specified results or outcomes, how to set standards and manage so these are met, how to assess effectiveness of a team, and how to handle problems.

So what defines a team...

A team is a group of individuals who coordinate and collaborate to achieve a commonly agreed outcome. Simply reporting to the same manager does not make a team. Nor does a collection of individuals working on similar tasks. It is two key factors that defines a team - a common goal and the need for collaboration.

There are many forms of team - each with its own special needs. These range from a traditional team, located together, to remote and virtual teams. Teams may have global members, and be made up of employees and vendor staff.

Related expertise

Think180 consultants have conducted many successful and varied team programs for integrated and complex teams. We have developed and proven models and processes. Consultants have also had extensive direct corporate experience managing teams themselves, so understand the experience first hand. They have also worked inside and outside the US, so have a global perspective.

Formal studies and professional training includes Organizational Sociology and Behavior, Office Design, Finance and Accounting, Business Systems, Marketing.

Additional Guide
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training methods

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